Code of Conduct
General Code of Conduct for all persons involved including event helpers and officials.
This general code of conduct applies to the committee, members, parents, coaches, teachers, pupils and any other persons associated or connected with Polmonthill Snowsports Centre activities and events who should:
1. Respect the position of the committee coaches and event organisers and their role, in
accordance with published Polmonthill Snowsports Centre rules and information provided.
2. Respect and champion the rights, dignity and worth of every individual and treat everyone equally within the context of their sport.
3. Develop a relationship with participants based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect.
4. Always promote the positive aspects of their sport and never condone law violations or the use of prohibited substances.
5. Always encourage participants to value their performances and not just results.
6. Never exert undue influence over participants to obtain personal benefit or reward.
7. Consistently demonstrate high standards of preparation, language, manner, punctuality and presentation.
8. Consider the well-being and safety of participants involved in events and activities.
9. Ensure that all equipment has been properly prepared and made safe.
Additional Codes of Conduct for Coaches and Centre Event Organisers
The role of coach or event organiser is considered one of the most important undertaken on behalf of the Polmonthill Snowsports Centre. The success or failure of any component part of coaching or events is the responsibility of the coach or event organiser respectively and they can be held wholly liable for any inefficiencies or failings in the event by themselves or any dissatisfaction by any trainees or attendees. Coaches and Event Organisers:
1. Conduct themselves in a professional manner being always impartial
2. Accept responsibility for, and delicately manage any issues or problems occurring at coaching or events.
3. Treat all trainees and attendees fairly and equally with due courtesy and respect
4. Support all trainees, attendees and appointed volunteers ensuring they are adequately equipped, trained, supported and nurtured to deliver fulfil their roles successfully.
Additional Code of Conduct for Centre Trainees and Competitors
All trainees and competitors should:
1. Ski or Snowboard because they want to – not to please parents or coaches.
2. Be positive and passionate about the event and abide within the rules.
3. Show respect to their team, coaches, opposition and officials and treat them as you they want to be treated.
4. Not show off.
5. Not bully, interfere or take unfair advantage of any competitor.
6. Not Swear or act inappropriately.
7. Be punctual.
8. Make new trainees and competitors feel welcome.
9. Ensure their equipment is properly prepared and safe and dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
Additional Code of Conduct for Parents.
Parents should:
1. Be realistic about young trainees and competitors' ability and suitability to attend training and events.
2. Ensure that their decision to involve their children does not in any way put the competitors health or wellbeing at risk.
3. Ensure that children are adequately equipped to protect them from any risk
4. Ensure that children are never put in danger of any physical injury, harm or psychological trauma.
5. Ensure their child is familiar with, understands and adheres the Code of Conduct.
6. Be aware of the Child Welfare and Protection Policies.
7. Always behave in a manner that sets the right example for children.
8. Always share concerns with officials as any risks or incidents might arise.
9. Remember that young people participate for their own enjoyment and not that of anyone else.
10. Focus on the children’s efforts, rather than the winning or losing.
11. Provide positive verbal feedback and communication both during and after Centre activities
12. Always show appreciation of good conduct and performance by all children.
13. Respect all decisions made by coaches and officials. It is hard enough for them to do their jobs without you creating additional pressures.
14. Show due respect and courtesy to all other children's parents, supervisors, coaches and officials and treat them as they wish to be treated.
15. Not behave in a manner that is intimidating to others.
16. Not use language that threatens, scorns or belittles others in any way.
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. Where appropriate, we will notify data subjects of those changes by mail or email.
The Policy will be reviewed at least every three years or in response to changes in legislation.